Trauma Informed Interviews

Have you heard of trauma informed interviewing? It’s a new approach to interviewing that’s gaining popularity in law enforcement agencies across the country. The idea behind it is that individuals who have experienced trauma may have difficulty communicating about their experiences, and traditional interview techniques may not be effective in obtaining accurate information from them.

The Sound of Silence…

a crime confession of a prisoner to the detectives

The use of silence during interrogations can be an effective way to encourage people to provide more information. It can create a feeling of discomfort that may prompt the person to talk in order to relieve the tension.

Tonic Immobility in Victims: Trauma and the Brain 

a sad woman sitting on a sofa

We’ll be discussing the latest research on tonic immobility, trauma and the brain. This research has implications for how we interview victims of assault and violence, as well as how police and prosecutors handle these cases in court.

What are cues for deception and why are most people bad at Spotting them?

Deception cues can be divided into two main categories: non-verbal and verbal. Non-verbal cues include body language, such as eye contact, facial expressions, physical movements or lack thereof, and body posture. Verbal cues include changes in vocal cadence, pitch, sentence fluency, word choice, and sentence structure.

10 Deadly Sins of Suspect Interviews

a man with tattoo talking to a person in a suit

Just a quick signup below get’s you our FREE multipage guide to the 10 Deadly Sins of Suspect Interviews AND a 10% OFF discount code for your first class.

The Trick to Building Rapport in a Tight Situation

Rapport building skills are essential for cops. In the street cop’s world, rapport building often occurs in a fast-paced environment with many distractions. A new study on rapport building offers techniques to help cops build strong relationships that will facilitate the process of proactive policing.
Rapport-building is a delicate dance between people who do not know each other.

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