Consult w/ RTI
More than just exceptional training; onsite and remote consulting services.

Blood Pattern Analysis
Bloodstains found at a crime scene, especially a violent crime, can be a “witness” to the events that took place during the crime. Bloodstain pattern analysis is a scientific process that utilizes scientific principles of physics, DNA, pathology, and crime scene reconstruction to interpret what took place during a blood letting event.
Bloodstain pattern analysis can often provide information regarding what was possible and what was not possible in complex scenes. This information can be compared to the statements of witnesses, suspects, and living victims. This information can be used to corroborate, or refute, statements previously made.
Revelations Training and Investigations only works through law enforcement or legal counsel. They do not provide casework for private citizens. If you are interested in discussing an investigation with Revelations Training and Investigations, please contact us.
Revelations training only uses bloodstain pattern analysts that have completed the standards set forth by the American Standards Board Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Subcommittee.
Blood Pattern Analysis Leads to Conviction
Active Investigation and Cold Case Review
In addition to blood pattern analysis, RTI offers consulting on active investigations and cold case review. Our staff of seasoned law enforcement professionals are experts in numerous fields including homicide scene investigation, hostage negotiation and drug recognition (DRE). We are members of Association of Bloodstain Pattern Analysts, the International Homicide Investigators Association, and the International Association for Identification.
As mentioned above, we only work through law enforcement or legal counsel. We do not provide casework for private citizens. If you are interested in discussing an investigation with Revelations Training and Investigations, please contact us.