Strangulation is lethal. It is utilized by the most by the predominant aggressor in a domestic violence encounter. This type of intimate partner violence increases the danger for anyone who comes in contact with these suspects. Unfortunately, training has been lacking in the past and police officers have been investigating cases without all the tools necessary to make the proper investigatory decisions.
FACT: Approximately 70% of all strangulation cases leave very faint or no external injuries! Often external injuries are a result of defensive actions as well.
One of the key aspects of this training is understanding the dynamics of attempted strangulation. Attempted strangulation can result in serious physical injury and can have a profound impact on the psychological well-being of victims. Proper training can help investigators understand the physical and emotional effects of attempted strangulation and how to gather evidence effectively to build a strong case.
Another crucial aspect of this training is improving interview and evidence-gathering techniques. Effective investigation of attempted strangulation cases often involves collecting physical evidence, interviewing witnesses and victims, and understanding the legal and medical aspects of strangulation. Proper training can provide investigators with the necessary tools and techniques to carry out these tasks in a professional and sensitive manner.
A victim-centered approach is also crucial in attempted strangulation investigations. Proper training can help investigators understand the importance of treating victims with respect and empathy, and approaching the investigation from a victim-center perspective. This not only enhances the credibility and professionalism of the investigation but also helps to ensure that victims feel heard and supported throughout the process.
In addition to improving interview and evidence-gathering techniques, proper training can also help investigators recognize and address cultural and societal biases that can influence the investigation and prosecution of attempted strangulation cases. This can help to ensure that each case is approached with impartiality and objectivity.
Investing in training for law enforcement agencies can also improve public trust and credibility in the justice system. By demonstrating a commitment to effectively and sensitively handling attempted strangulation cases, agencies can increase public confidence in the criminal justice system and help to dispel misconceptions and misunderstandings about this form of violence. Finally, it is important to note that attempted strangulation is a serious crime that can have long-lasting effects on victims. By providing law enforcement with the specialized training they need to effectively investigate these cases, we can help to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable and that victims receive the support they need to recover and heal.