Burns in Child Abuse Investigation Cases

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Contact with fire is the most common cause of burns in child abuse cases but other less common causes of burns include scalds (burns from hot liquids), electrical burns and chemical burns.

Create Safer Communities with a Drone Program

grey quadcopter drone

Drones are becoming an increasingly important tool for police and law enforcement agencies across the country. Also known as SUAS (small unmanned aircraft systems), drones can be used for a variety of tasks, including surveillance, search and rescue, and crowd control.

The Sound of Silence…

a crime confession of a prisoner to the detectives

The use of silence during interrogations can be an effective way to encourage people to provide more information. It can create a feeling of discomfort that may prompt the person to talk in order to relieve the tension.

Mental Health for Cops

gray scale photo of man covering face with his hands

The mental health of police officers is an important topic that often goes overlooked. The stressors of our job take a toll on an officer’s mental health, which will impact their job performance, personal AND professional relationships, as well as their physical health. There are steps that we can be take to improve mental health for police officers, including improving work-life balance, accessing mental health resources, and promoting a culture of mental health awareness and support.

The Big Secret to Decreasing Complaints from the Community

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The Big Secret to Decreasing Complaints from the Community is training. By ensuring that your officers are properly trained, you can decrease complaints and lawsuits stemming from officer misconduct or errors. Prevention in the form of quality training is key to avoiding these complaints and creating a more positive relationship between the police and the community.

Tonic Immobility in Victims: Trauma and the Brain 

a sad woman sitting on a sofa

We’ll be discussing the latest research on tonic immobility, trauma and the brain. This research has implications for how we interview victims of assault and violence, as well as how police and prosecutors handle these cases in court.

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