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Sex Crime Investigations for Law Enforcement

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Course Overview

This training provides officers with the essential skills they need to investigate sex crimes. They learn how to interview victims and suspects, collect and preserve evidence, and identify and prosecute offenders. The training is based on the latest research and best practices, and it is tailored to meet the needs of law enforcement professionals.

In this course you will learn:
  • What is a sex crime?
  • Arousal and Power
  • Rape and other sex crimes
  • Sex crimes stereotypes and roles
  • The media’s influence on sex crimes
  • Suspect and Victim interviews
  • Rapport building
  • Trauma and Tonic Immobility
  • Psychology of Sex Crimes
  • Consent and the Lack of Consent
  • Evidence: collection and packaging
  • Sex Trafficking
  • And more…
Sex Crimes Investigations for Law Enforcement contains in depth case studies, scenarios and interactive content as well as a sex crimes investigative aid / checklist. This is one of our most comprehensive courses as the level of intimacy and violation cannot be overstated. These crimes cannot stand. This course will help move your cases through the criminal justice system and obtain suspect convictions.

You won’t get this level of training anywhere else.

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Course Content

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Sex Crimes Introduction
Victims, Trauma and Interviews
Suspects and Suspect Interviews
Evidence Packaging and Collection
Other Considerations
Preparing for Trial
Misconduct and False Reports

Additional Info

The investigation of sexual assault is a critical and sensitive task that requires a specialized set of skills and knowledge. Our sexual assault investigations course ensures that you have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle these cases with sensitivity and professionalism and provides you with a foundation for building stronger and more effective cases.

In this law enforcement training course, we will take a deep dive into:
  • Understanding the dynamics of sexual violence: Sexual assault is a complex crime that often involves psychological, physical, and emotional trauma. This training will provide law enforcement with a deeper understanding of these dynamics, which can help you gather evidence, build a stronger case, and provide appropriate support to victims.
  • Proper interview techniques: Investigating sexual assault often involves interviewing victims and witnesses who may be traumatized or reluctant to speak. Within this training we help law enforcement officers understand the best ways to approach these interviews using trauma-informed techniques to obtain accurate and useful information.
  • Preservation of evidence: Sexual assault investigations require the preservation of physical and forensic evidence, which is crucial in building a case. This course will help you understand the importance of evidence preservation and how to properly collect and preserve it.

Investigating sexual assault cases is a crucial aspect of ensuring that perpetrators are held accountable for their actions and that victims receive the support and justice they deserve. To carry out effective and sensitive investigations, it is crucial for you, the law enforcement professional to receive specialized training in this area. That’s where we come in.

One of the key aspects of this training is a deeper understanding of the complex nature of sexual assault cases. Sexual assault can have a profound impact on the physical, emotional, and psychological well-being of victims, and it is important for investigators to understand these dynamics to gather evidence effectively and build a strong case.

A victim-centered approach is crucial in sexual assault investigations. Our training will help both patrol officers and practiced investigators understand the importance of treating victims with respect and empathy and approaching the investigation from a victim-centered perspective. This not only enhances the credibility and professionalism of the investigation but also helps to ensure that victims feel heard and supported throughout the process.

Investing in training for yourself or your law enforcement agency can also improve public trust and credibility in the justice system. By demonstrating a commitment to effectively and sensitively handling sexual assault cases, personnel and agencies can increase public confidence and help to dispel misconceptions and misunderstandings about sexual assault.

Our specialized training in sexual assault investigations is crucial for the law enforcement professional in order to effectively and sensitively handle these cases and ensure that perpetrators are held accountable, and victims receive the support they need.

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